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Showing posts with the label mongoDB

How to Create a Database and Insert a document with the Mongodb

Welcome Back to Tech Bird Mongodb Learning Here again with a blog How to Create a Database and Insert a document with the Mongodb First of all open the mongodb shell.. If you are new and want to know   How to Start MongoDB  .👈👈 Once you have open the Mongodb shell we can directly proceed with query  .. NOTE:   In mongodb Collection is term which is used instead of Table { so dont get confused guys!} First of all the We need to create a database   Syntax: USE databasename Example: USE ddbase Check Fig: 1.0 NOTE:  Here USE is the keyword to create a data base followed by the database name you wish to keep.                                                                                      ...

How to Start MongoDB

welcome to Tech Bird Mongodb Learning what is mongodb? MongoDB is a free and open-source cross-platform document-oriented database program. Classified as a NoSQL database program, MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with schemas. To get more idea about Mongodb click Here! First of all Download the Mongodb setup and install it based on your system requirement: DOWNLOAD  Have any doubts how to install check here! To start MongoDb Open cmd NOTE : cmd->run as administrator to avoid system error. goto the respective folder you have installed the mongodb . Here i have installed Mongodb in the respective directory C:\mongodb\bin goto the directory. Then keep the data and log path by using these command mongod --directoryperdb --dbpath c:/mongodb/data/db --logpath c:/mongodb/log/mongo.log --logappend --rest --install this will set the log and data path of the mongodb files and logs To start the Mongodb >net start mongodb ...


MongoDB is a free and open-source cross-platform document-oriented database program .  Classified as a NoSQL database program , MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with schemas. MongoDB stores data in flexible, JSON-like documents, meaning fields can vary from document to document and data structure can be changed over time. The document model maps to the objects in your application code, making data easy to work with. MongoDB is a distributed database at its core, so high availability, horizontal scaling, and geographic distribution are built in and easy to use. MongoDB is a cross-platform, document oriented database that provides, high performance, high availability, and easy scalability.  "MongoDB works on concept of collection and document" Database →Database is a physical container for collections.  →Each database gets its own set of files on the file system.  →A single MongoDB server typically has multiple databases. Co...