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C #4-Palindrome Number or not Using C Program

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C #3-Palindrome String or not using C Program

Previous Post:                                                                                                                                       Next Post: C #2-Addition of two number with C Program                               C #4-Palindrome String or not using C Program What is palindrome? A palindrome is word or a phrase or a sequence that remains same when it is read from  backward as well forward remains same. Example: Madam, Radar, Refer, Level, .....etc.. Let's think with programming stuff's.... Source Code:   #include<stdio.h...

C #2-Addition of two number with C Programming

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C #1-A way to start with C Programming

Hi its me dharani, Again with the C Programming blog .. Yes, You might think its old already lots of blogs and code are available , but here in Tech bird you might find learn SOMETHING MORE THAN OTHERS Early and grasp new way of programming for sure. Let's Start with Hello World! C :   It is the structured programming language.  It was designed by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie.  C program has 32 keywords for operation.. Easy to start. Basic Programming Language to learn before you start programming. Source Code:    #include<stdio.h>    #include<conio.h>    void main()    {        clrscr();       print ("Hello World..!");       getch();    } Output:            Hello World..! Next Post:      C #2- Addition of two numbers with C Programming Don't fo...

Python #16-Getting Multiple Inputs in Python Lists

Previous post :                             Python #15-How to get User input in Python  Next Post       :                             Python #17-To print the multiplication Table of a given number                                                           While reading the previous post : Python #15-How to get user input in python we people might get an doubt how to get the multiple inputs in Python like we used to fetch in java or c or c++  and store in array by getting how many inputs the user is going to give to console to perform operation.. Here is the post for the those people who got those doubt and also for those who not got those doubts. Keep...

Python #15-How to get user input in Python

Previous post      :           Python #14-Let's Play with Python part-2 Factorial of given number               Next Post              :           Python #16-Getting Multiple Inputs in Python Lists raw_input(): raw_input() is the python inbuilt function which is used to get the input from the keyboard. Such that raw_input get the inputs as in string and perform the operation consider the inputs as a string. Syntax:      variableName = raw_input("Print statement you wish to show to the user:") Example:       name=raw_input("Enter your name:")       print "Name%s" %name Output:       Enter your name: Dharanidharan V       Dharanidharan V Explanation:     Line 1: name=raw_input("Enter your name:")         ...

Python #14-Let's Play with Python part-2-Factorial of given number

Previous post:                                                                                                                                         Next post: Python #13-Let's Play with Python part-1-Fibonacci Series              Python #15-How to get user input in python Factorial of a given number in Python: What is Factorial of a  number? The product of an integer and all the integer below it. Example: Note: Use 🖉 to edit the code. Use ▶ to view the output. Explanation: Line 3 : fact=1               Declaring variable fact and assigning va...

Python #13-Let Play with Python part-1-Fibonacci series

Previous post:                                                                                                                                    Next Post:          Python #12-Recursion functions in Python             Python #14-Let's Play with Python part-2-Factorial of a number Have you think how to do Fibonacci series in python? while reading my blog... Then right you are right track on learning from google bird fun learn... Fibonacci series: a series of numbers in which each number(Fibonacci series) is the sum of the two preceding numbers. The simplest is the series 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, ...

Python #12-Recursion functions in Python

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Python #11-Functions in Python

Previous post:                                                                                                                                     Next Post: Python #10-Dictionaries in Python                               Python #12-Recursion functions in python what are functions? functions are the set of programs instructions that perform a specific task. Syntax:     def functionName(arguments):            statements Note Worthy: def is the keyword in python which is used to define a function in python. Example:    ...