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Why space bar key is so big in Keyboards

Why SPACE BAR key is so big? The space bar key is so big compared to other key because  ✓ The fast typing is done by looking on the screen without seeing the keyboard. It makes the key easier to identify the key.  ✓And also, long key indicates the 'space' Which is the actual use of that button. Thank you, Come Back to Learn More About Tech Stuff with Tech Bird Have A Nice Day !   :)  

Node.js #3- Operators

Operators An operator performs some operation on single or multiple operands (data value) and produces a result. For example 1 + 2, where + sign is an operator and 1 is left operand and 2 is right operand. + operator adds two numeric values and produces a result which is 3 in this case.   Syntax: < Left operand > operator < right operand >   < Left operand > operator Example 1:  Arithmetic Operators Arithmetic operators are used to perform mathematical operations between numeric operands. Source code: var x = 10, y = 10 console.log("Addition Operator",x + y) console.log("Subtraction Operator",x - y) console.log("Multiplication Operator",x * y) console.log("Division Operator",x / y) console.log("Modulus Operator",x % y) console.log("Increment Operator",x ++ ) console.log("Decrement Operator",y -- )   Output: Addition Operator 20 Subtraction Operator 0 Mult...

Node.js #2- Variables and Declarations

Variables and Declarations What is Variable? Variable are the names which hold the data.   Noteworthy: ·           Variable stores a single data value that can be changed later. ·           Variables can be defined using  var  keyword. Variables defined without  var  keyword become global variables. ·           Variables must be initialized before using. ·           Multiple variables can be defined in a single line. e.g.  var  one = 1, two = 2, three = "three"; ·           Variables in JavaScript are loosely-typed variables. It can store value of any data type throughout its life time. Syntax: var  < variable-name >; var  < variable-name > = < value >; Source code: var  ...

Node.js #1-A Way to start With Node.js

Let’s Start with the Hello World in Node JS   How to Install Node.js: ·           Direct to the Link -  Download Node.js ·           Download the Latest version and Install it in the System.  After Installing the Node.js We start directly   ·           Open Notepad or any Code Editor tools of your choice. ·           Here am using Notepad++. ·           Let’s start to write code to print hello world in the console. Type the below line in the code editor. console.log (‘Hello World..!’) ·           Save the file with . js  extension o     Example: filename.js ·           Now open the command prompt and route/direct to the...

AWS Cloudformation

AWS Cloud Formation allows you to use programming languages or a simple text file to model and provision, in an automated and secure manner, all the resources needed for your applications across all regions and accounts. It is the service provided by the AWS as IAAS (Infrastructure as a Service). You can create/update resource on the cloud platform via cloud formation templates. Cloud formation template uses JSON or YAML language for scripting.  In simple words, this is the Infrastructure as code service by which you can provision a resource in the AWS cloud by writing the JSON or YAML code. Amazing right?   Advantages: ·         Code as a service – Since it’s a code based we can store the codes in Repository and maintain the version for the Infrastructure as well. ·         Provision of resource within short time ·         You...

Number 1: Did you know ?

Stripes on headphone jacks - You surely have noticed that all headphone jacks have 2 or 3 stripes on them. They aren’t made just for decoration: there are wires going to both headphones from every stripe, and if they weren’t there, you would only hear sound coming from one of the headphones.   Dimples on golf balls - The first golf balls were smooth. With time, however, golf players realized by trial and error that the balls with the best properties were old, scuffed, and cracked ones. So, they kept using the same old balls for years. Manufacturers noticed this tendency and started producing artificially aged dimpled balls. Notebook margins - The original reason for margins was to provide a space where a teacher could write her comments.The truth is that books in the past often fell victim to mice and rats who liked to gnaw on paper. In order not to let the rodents eat parts of information along with the paper, people started to leave empty spaces at the edg...