Stripes on headphone jacks - You surely
have noticed that all headphone jacks have 2 or 3 stripes on them. They aren’t
made just for decoration: there are wires going to both headphones from every
stripe, and if they weren’t there, you would only hear sound coming from one of
the headphones.

Dimples on
golf balls - The first golf balls were smooth. With time, however, golf
players realized by trial and error that the balls with the best properties
were old, scuffed, and cracked ones. So, they kept using the same old balls for
years. Manufacturers noticed this tendency and started producing artificially aged
dimpled balls.

Notebook margins - The original reason for margins was to provide a space where a teacher could write her comments.The truth is that books in the past often fell victim to mice and rats who liked to gnaw on paper. In order not to let the rodents eat parts of information along with the paper, people started to leave empty spaces at the edges, where damage was most likely to occur.

Donuts hole (or) Vadai- This snack so frequently
consumed in modern cities is, in fact, hundreds of years old. Today
confectioners can make delicious pastries of any shape and size. But in the
past, it used to be difficult to get the edges and the middle of a pie equally
baked. That is why bakers came up with this shape that didn’t cause any

Stickers on fruit - Stickers on
fruit mark the country and the producer, but few know what the numbers on the
stickers mean. If there are 4 digits and the first is 4, it means that the
fruit has been sprayed with pesticides. If there are 5 digits and the first is
9, the fruit has been grown organically. If there are 5 digits and the first is
8, the fruit has been genetically modified.

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