OOPS have following features:
1. Class - Class is collection of objects.
2. Object - Object is the instance of a class.
3. Inheritance - It is process of acquiring property of base class.
4. Data Abstraction - It is the process of Hiding our irrelevant data.
5. Data Encapsulation - It is the process of Protecting our data.
6. Polymorphism - The ability of an object to respond differently to different messages.
Real Time Example of OOPS concepts:
Classes :
Objects :

1. Class - Class is collection of objects.
2. Object - Object is the instance of a class.
3. Inheritance - It is process of acquiring property of base class.
4. Data Abstraction - It is the process of Hiding our irrelevant data.
5. Data Encapsulation - It is the process of Protecting our data.
6. Polymorphism - The ability of an object to respond differently to different messages.
Real Time Example of OOPS concepts:
Classes :
- Class is the collection of object right.
Eg :
- Flipkart is a Class. Consider it has the collection objects likes various items in its store.
Objects :
- Objects are the instance of the classes.
Eg :
- Consider Car is class. In which Audi, BMW, Mercedes are consider to be objects.
- There are many keyboards brands available in the market but the similarity between them is that they follow more or less the same prototype as the Keyboard available in the year 2000. So basically they are inheriting the properties of the older generation of keyboards plus they are modifying the newer keyboards with some extra functionalities.
- For Example, In a keyboard, we have circuits and It is connected to the CPU. So While pressing the key we don't know about the inside happenings of the keyboard. We only know that When the keyboard is pressed It will display a similar letter in the screen in case we are typing. So this is how Abstraction works. Abstraction ie., Exposing necessary data.
- Next When the key is pressed some kind of message runs through the circuit of the keyboard which is sent to the CPU.CPU analyses that request and accordingly displays the pressed text in the screen. So here we only know that pressing the key will display the letter but In the meanwhile we are totally unaware of the happening inside the circuits. This is Encapsulation ie.,emphasis on hiding the data .

- Polymorphism means Poly[Many] + Morphism[Forms]. It is the ability of the object to behave differently under different situation.. For Example while writing a word document you will be using the up/down arrows for moving up and down in the document but while playing a car game u will be using the same keys for moving your car in the game. So the same keys are behaving differently on various scenarios and this is called polymorphism.
Dynamic Binding + Message Passing :
- Dynamic Binding is process of linking a procedure call to the code that will be executed only at the run time.
For eg : In Flipkart Unless until You are Placing the order it wont reach to your home.
Here the point is...Unless until You are clicking that order or place now button (i.e binding the object to Person Address at run time) that item wont does not know where the product should be shipped..
Message Passing:
- It is nothing but sending and receiving of information by the object same as people exchange information.
For Eg : Once you have placed your order the flip kart will tell you the date when it will be shipped to your home or office like the way sharing of information between two channels is called as message passing.

Thanks and Regards,
Tech bird