Digital Drug De-Addiction & Rehabilitation
While writing this post, I was in my late 20's with some common and makes sense digital literacy.
What is Digital Drug?
- Any form of digital medium or platforms, which we humans use continuously, wasting our precious time and at some point of time, losing the ability to think on own.
- I hope some apps might already striked your mind 🤣 while reading the above statement.
Are we humans are addicted to Digital Drugs?
- Obviously, not all but many. 😢
- Even we humans are making small children to get addicted to this and exploiting their life without knowing that we are spoiling them. 🥺
So what is the problem with it?
- Humans lose their own thinking capabilities and lack of creativity and less hunger to learn new things. 😒
- I afraid the word " Innovation ", might be removed from future humans dictionaries. 😥
- We swipe, scroll and watch tons of videos and contents among those 90% are of useless contents, just it kills our time. ☠️
- While watching over the shorts or reels or tik tok's we humans, after some time comes to point whatever comes in those we started to believe blindly without analysising or fact check or truth checking. 🙄
- We never realise the video or posts created in the platform are for attracting the views and likes and earning money and not for the better ment of humans and earth. 🤨
- Yes there are some contents which are good and helps people to grow and shine and live, but it's very very limited and no one checks or watch or spends time on those. 😉
- I don't want humans who is going to live in year 2050 or 2100 say our ancestors found flights which is major innovation and after that we never seen such close things like that innovation in earth. 😢🤣
Sounds meaningful?
Let's list what simple actions one can take to de-addict from digital drugs
1. Use smartphone or digital devices in required hours only not all 24hours in day. ✍️
2. You don't need Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Tik Tok or WhatsApp I'd altogether, its worth considering these apps are for communication and to save time, not to waste your time. ✍️
3. Uninstall or disables apps in your smartphone which does not help you grow and shine and be fit. ✍️
4. Go take a walk with nature or outside, see plants grow, leaves fall, birds fly, dog barks, kids play, cows with calf, sheeps running, farmers farming, water in river or ponds, clouds moving in the sky, etc... you have tons of options dude apart from using smartphone and scrolling infinite. ✍️
5. 📌 Last but not least, set your mind, time is valuable than anything, time once lost is lost, why should I waste time scrolling infinite without any values? ✍️
Ending with popular quote with slightly rephrased style,
✒️ "Remember that, A drug dealer never consumes it", then why should you?
Understand and acts wisely!
That's all from my mind for today,
See you next time,