AWS CloudFormation Hooks
Cloudformation - Yes, that JSON/YAML code which you write and deploy, to create resources in AWS.
So, What is Hooks?
🔍 Hooks provide an option to evaluate your CloudFormation resources before it's get provisioned.
😼 It's like you are smelling the food before and knowing, whether the food will be good or not.
😋 Basically you don't eat bad food and stuck with stomach ache right?
In the same fashion, What if you can smell the bad template before hand and ignore before it's provision, nice isn't? 🤩
🧷 A Hook contains code that is invoked immediately before CloudFormation creates, updates or deletes stacks or specific resources.
🩺You can also consider, Hook as your doctor 👨⚕️ for your cloudformation templates.
What does your doctor do to you? He will either prescribe medication to avoid illness before arrive or to treat the illness you already have, right? 😀 What if I told you that these qualities are the core of cloudformation hook concepts?
💯 true, it can do 👇
💊Proactive validation - Reduces risk, operational overhead and cost by identifying non-compliant resources before they're created, updated or deleted.
💉Automatic enforcement - Provides enforcement in your AWS account to prevent non compliant resources from being provisioned by CloudFormation.
While I was writing this post today, you could make three different kinds of hooks.
☝️Guard Hooks
✓ Write Guard policy rule using the Guard domain specific language (DSL) and upload in S3 bucket and specify your target 🎯 resource type and watch the magic ✨ happens!
✌️Lambda Hooks
✓ By name itself you would got know, yes it's exactly the same as your mind says, you create lambda functions with your evaluation logic and do the validation.
🤟Custom Hooks
✓ May be this for advanced users 😋 not for person like me 😅, I am happy with above two itself 😀, so did not read fully.
✓ But this is what AWS says - "Custom Hooks are extensions that you register in the CloudFormation registry using the CloudFormation Command Line Interface (CFN-CLI)".
To learn more :
I hope you learned something new today, like me 😎!
Take Care, Bye👋